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3 Reasons Homeowners Might Want to Consider Switching to a Ductless System

Want to Consider Switching

Summer is on its way, and in Birmingham Alabama, that means two things, hot temperatures, and higher electric bills. In the Deep South, 100 percent humidity and 90-plus degree temperatures make air conditioning a necessity once temperatures start to rise. What you can do without, though, is the rise in electricity costs to keep your family cool.

If you love your air conditioning but hate the increased bill, then ductless HVAC may be a solution for you. These small, self-contained units operate in zones that offer greater flexibility and increased efficiency. Here are three reasons why Ductless HVAC may be a more efficient solution for you.

Energy Efficiency

A ductless system is different from a whole home system in that you have an outdoor unit directly connected to a single air conditioning head or multiple heads in individual zones. What this means is that you get to choose which areas of your home are cooled and when. If you have a room that’s not in use, then you don’t have to pay to keep it cool.

Indoor Air Quality

Whole-home systems require air to circulate through ducts that run throughout your entire home. The pumps are usually in a basement or garage, which may not have the best air quality seals. Ductless systems reduce the likelihood of air contamination because it only circulates the air around it rather than drawing air from another area.


Simply put, there’s no ductwork to inspect.  If your system isn’t being efficient, then you can generally tell where the problem is coming from. Compare this to to whole-home systems, where leaks could be coming from anywhere in the duct system.

Heating and cooling in Birmingham can use up a lot of energy. Switching to a ductless mini-split system can save your wallet by offering you more flexibility in how you cool your home. Call the professionals at Total Comfort Heating and Air at (205) 386-2056 for a free home estimate today.

Image provided by Bigstock

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