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Man works on AC unit

When summer arrives in Trussville, AL, you want to be sure that your air conditioner is ready to go. However, there are instances when you may find your system is overheating. Understanding what can make

heat pump compressor

Your heat pump’s outdoor unit houses its compressor. The compressor pressurizes the refrigerant and pumps it through the lines to transfer heat. The following are four common signs of a faulty heat pump compressor in

House With Air Heat Pump

Heat pumps are much like air conditioners in that they need refrigerant to cool your home. While this refrigerant should never naturally deplete, leaks and other issues can leave the system needing more. Here are

heat pump not working

A healthy furnace will cycle, or turn on and off, several times every hour to preserve your home’s warmth. When the system refuses to stop running, it likely means there’s an issue with your thermostat

deciding on furnace repair or replacement

Furnace problems are frequently difficult and annoying to deal with in the winter. When the unit malfunctions, you may face the dilemma of repairing or replacing it in response to whatever has gone wrong. Here

technician fixing furnace

A furnace should warm your home, but if the system starts overheating, you’ll begin to notice that it isn’t heating as it should. After all, winter is the worst time for any kind of furnace

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We're excited to announce that Total Comfort is now One Source!

Though our name has changed, our commitment to delivering the same high-quality service remains the same.

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