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How to Know Your HVAC System Is Ready for Any Weather?

According to the National Weather Service, the high temperatures in Birmingham routinely reach 90 degrees or above in the summer. While the mercury rarely stays under freezing for long periods, it can still be quite chilly in our area during the winter months. Making sure your HVAC system is ready for these challenges can help you enjoy optimal comfort throughout the year. Here are some key ways you can make sure your furnace and air conditioning systems are ready for the challenges ahead.

Replace Your Air Filter

The U.S. Department of Energy recommends replacing your air filter as the single most important step in maintaining your heating and cooling system. Clogged or damaged filters can allow dirt and debris to enter the mechanical elements of your system, resulting in breakdowns and unexpected repair bills. By replacing your filters regularly, you can avoid these problems and enjoy greater reliability from your current heating and cooling system.

Schedule a Check-Up

Regular spring and fall maintenance visits are highly recommended to check the current operation of your furnace and air conditioning system. By building a relationship with a trusted provider of HVAC services in our area, you can enjoy the greatest longevity for your HVAC system and the highest return on your investment.

Upgrade Your System

If your home heating and cooling system is more than 10 years old, you may be able to save money on your utility bills by upgrading to a newer system. Advances in HVAC technology have made newer systems more energy efficient and reliable than ever before. By opting for a new installation, you can enjoy the greatest reliability all year around.

At Total Comfort Heating and Air, we offer comprehensive repair, maintenance and installation services for our Birmingham customers. Our team of NATE-certified technicians can provide you with the most accurate assessment of your current system and can help you stay comfortable during every season of the year. To learn more about Total Comfort Heating and Air, call us today.

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