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Why Thermostat Placement Matters in Chelsea, AL

Smart Thermostat location

The HVAC system is the largest contributor to your total utility bills for your home in Chelsea, AL. Therefore, every attempt to reduce energy costs and increase efficiency goes a long way. Find out how your thermostat placement could influence your HVAC unit’s operating costs and efficiency.

Keep Off De-Centralized Areas

The temperatures in areas far from the center of your home keep fluctuating because of external weather influences. Placing your thermostat in these areas makes your HVAC unit struggle to maintain desired home settings. Consequently, your HVAC unit will work longer and harder, leading to high energy costs.

The center of your home provides the most realistic average temperatures. Placing your thermostat in a central location reduces the chances of ghost readings and ensures better efficiency.

Away From Direct Sunlight

Windows and walls that receive too much sunlight will naturally be warmer than other parts of your home. When the thermostat is in such areas, it will think your home has higher temperatures than the actual readings. Your air conditioning unit will work harder, raising your utility bills.

Away From Heat Emitting Appliances

From televisions, ovens and stoves to dishwashers, toasters and coffee makers, appliances help to make our lives easier. In their everyday operations, appliances emit heat to surrounding areas making nearby places relatively warmer.

Heat-emitting appliances trick your thermostat into thinking the home is warmer than usual. Consequently, your entire HVAC system turns off, leading to wastage and high energy costs.

Aim for Areas You Spend Most Time

The thermostat makes you comfortable indoors by adjusting the temperatures to your liking. That said, placing the device in rooms where you spend most hours is vital. For example, the living room or dining area could make the most sense as they are the most visited areas of your home.

Proper placement of thermostats saves energy and maintains required temperatures. If you want to switch to smart thermostats, contact Total Comfort Heating & Air for the best heating solutions.

Image provided by iStock

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