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3 Fall/Winter Energy Saving Tips

man happy with bill

As the temperatures cool off in Bessemer, Alabama, energy expenses start to rise. That makes now a great time to think about how you will save money and energy in your home this fall and winter. The three tips below can help lower your energy bills without sacrificing comfort.

Seal Your Leaks

Drafty windows can sap your home of heat and send energy bills soaring. One solution is recaulking window frames to keep cold air from leaking in. Window treatments, like insulating curtains or shutters, can also improve energy efficiency.

Windows aren’t the only place you’ll find air leaks. Other common spots for these energy-efficiency zappers is around cut-outs for pipes, recessed lights that open to the attic, and outlets along exterior walls. Add caulk, foam gaskets, or weatherstripping to seal these crevices and keep the warm air in.

Adjust the Indoor Temperature

When you’re home, reduce the temperature as low as is comfortable. And when you’re asleep or leave your house, dial back the thermostat even more to increase your savings. For every eight hours you lower the thermostat one degree, you can save up to 2 percent on your energy bill.

Perform Routine Maintenance

Call a technician to come to your home and perform an annual inspection of your furnace or heat pump to ensure it is in peak operating condition. When technicians service your unit, they’ll perform various services like testing and adjusting the ignition system, replacing filters, inspecting the thermostat, testing the refrigerant charge, inspecting and testing the compressor, and cleaning the drain pan and condensate lines.

Don’t let the change in seasons take you by surprise and leave you with high energy bills. Just these few simple steps can ensure you’ll stay warm and have an energy-efficient home this fall and winter. Call the professionals at Total Comfort Heating and Air today at (205) 386-2056 to schedule an inspection and make sure your system is ready.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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