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4 Ways to Save This Summer When It Comes to Cooling Costs

checking cooling costs

With temperatures in the high 80s and into the 90’s on a regular basis, summer in Moody, AL is often brutal. Running your AC is a good way to stay cool, but this can also increase your cooling bills. Check out four ways you can save on those cooling costs this summer in Alabama.

1. Inspect Your AC

Unless you have regular maintenance completed, you may not realize just how inefficiently the AC runs. With preventive maintenance, you can make sure your AC is ready for the long and hot summer ahead. It’s easy to schedule one appointment for both a performance inspection and maintenance.

2. Use Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans circulate the cool air that your AC puts out, creating a cooling effect. You’ll find it helpful to run fans in the rooms where you spend the most time.

3. Install Blackout Curtains

Blackout curtains have fabric that block out the sun and warm air. The curtains come in different colors and patterns that fit in any room. Keeping the curtains closed on hot days can reduce the temperature of your bedroom or living room.

4. Avoid Some Activities

Your kitchen can quickly become steamy and hot when you cook on your stove or use your oven. Try using an air fryer or grilling outside can help you stay cool. Taking cooler than normal showers in the summer can also help reduce your cooling costs.

Stay Cool in Moody

You don’t need to spend all summer sweating in the hot Alabama heat. Total Comfort Heating & Air can help with preventive maintenance and AC repairs, so call today to get your home ready for summer with AC repairs or new AC installation. Our friendly NATE-certified technicians are on standby.

Image provided by iStock

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