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5 Signs You’re Dealing With Poor IAQ in Birmingham, AL

Poor IAQ can cause allergic reactions

Are you concerned about the indoor air quality (IAQ) in your Birmingham, AL home? To avoid serious health issues, it is important that you have your HVAC service provider address the quality of your indoor air. Let’s take a look at a few signs that you may have poor IAQ in your home.

1. Allergies and Asthma

If you are coughing frequently and you aren’t actively ill, this is typically caused by particulates circulating in the air of your home. Pollen and pet dander are commonly known to exacerbate allergies and asthma. Maintaining your HVAC system and having filters routinely changed will help to reduce these symptoms.

2. Fatigue and Poor Sleep Habits

Toxic chemical household cleaners and fumes can irritate your nasal passages and lungs to the point that you are losing sleep and experiencing fatigue during the day. Poor IAQ may lead to sleep apnea that interrupts your nighttime routine.

3. Headaches

Headaches and migraines are common symptoms of poor IAQ. Headaches often occur from a variety of particles in your indoor air, including dust and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A musty smell inside your home is a sign that the air contains spores that should be promptly addressed to avoid headaches.

4. Dry Skin

Indoor air with too much or too little humidity negatively impacts your skin by contributing to dryness. You may notice outbreaks or rashes also.

5. Upper Respiratory Illnesses

Bacterial infections and viruses are common with indoor air that is circulating biological growth spores and other living microorganisms. These organisms will contribute to health issues such as the flu and the common cold.

Our team can come to your home and assess where your air quality can improve to provide a more comfortable environment for you. Contact Total Comfort Heating and Air today to schedule our IAQ services in Birmingham, AL.

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