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6 Tips for Improving Airflow in Your Home in Bessemer, AL

airflow can show poor air quality

Air conditioners and heating systems play a crucial role in keeping us comfortable in our homes. We need to maintain these systems well to ensure that they function effectively. In the following article, we will discuss six ways to help you improve your home’s airflow in Bessemer, AL.

1. Clean Your AC Vents

Cleaning the vents is one of the best ways to improve your house’s air quality. It helps you remove impurities that could potentially build up on the inside and front of the vents. If you don’t clean them regularly, you may have a clogged vent.

Once the system is cleaned, your technicians will also turn the fan blades to push any debris out of the exhaust pipe. When you consider cleaning your vents be sure to hire a reputable heating company in Bessemer, AL.

2. Check Your Filters

It’s important to check whether the filters installed on your HVAC system have become dirty. Dirty filters will reduce their efficiency, leading to higher energy bills.

Make sure to clean them once every year or so. You can hire professionals for this job if you wish.

3. Consider Duct Cleaning

If you notice dust buildup around the ducts, consider scheduling a cleaning. Dust buildup can cause allergies, asthma attacks and even respiratory infections.

4. Use an Air Purifier

Air purifiers are an excellent way to clean your home. They use HEPA filtration technology to trap particles from the air. This ensures that your family stays healthy and free from allergens.

5. Invest in a Ventilator

These devices work by pulling fresh air into your home while pushing stale air outside. The result? A cleaner environment.

6. Schedule HVAC Maintenance

Routine HVAC maintenance will help you avoid potential issues. For example, schedule annual inspections to identify possible leaks or any wear and tear.

During an annual tune-up, our technicians will inspect and eliminate indoor air contaminators. We employ highly skilled and licensed technicians to ensure quality HVAC services.

Contact Us

By following the above tips, you will be able to increase the lifespan of your HVAC system and enjoy a healthier airflow in your home. For more information about indoor air quality services in Bessemer, AL, call us at Total Comfort Heating and Air today.

Image provided by iStock

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