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Is a Ductless System Right for Me?

Ductless System Right for you

Ductless mini-split systems are an energy-efficient alternative to ducted HVAC systems. Consider your Birmingham home, your budget, and your heating and cooling needs to determine whether a ductless system is right for you.

Is Installing Ducting Difficult?

Many people opt for a ductless system because their home doesn’t suit a ducted system. For example, homes with flat or low-pitch roofs don’t have space for a ducted system. 

You can install a ductless system in any kind of home, including those that will take ducting. But if your home can’t take a ducted system, a ductless one will be your best heating and cooling option.

Are You On a Budget?

Since ductless systems don’t need ducting, their installation is usually much cheaper than ducted systems. When you’re on a tight budget, a ductless system can help your home feel comfortable for less. 

Does Energy Efficiency Matter To You?

The savings continue after installation as ductless systems are very energy efficient. Heat and cool air are often lost through the ductwork of ducted HVAC systems. The U.S. Department of Energy suggests these losses can account for more than 30 percent of energy consumption for space conditioning. Without ducts, ductless systems channel more of the energy — energy that you’re paying for — to where it’s needed.

Ductless air conditioners also let you heat or cool a specific zone of your house in isolation. That means you can keep your living area comfortable for binge-watching TV without paying to heat or cool your bedroom, for example.

If you care about your energy bills and the planet, you’ll love ductless systems. Their energy-efficiency credentials are a key reason behind their recent rise in popularity.

Ductless mini-split systems are an excellent heating and cooling solution for many homeowners. If you think this system is right for you, call us at (205) 386-2056. Total Comfort Heating and Air friendly sales consultants can teach you more about these HVAC systems and arrange installation in your Birmingham home.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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