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Furnace Repair or Replacement: How to Choose in Trussville, AL

deciding on furnace repair or replacement

Furnace problems are frequently difficult and annoying to deal with in the winter. When the unit malfunctions, you may face the dilemma of repairing or replacing it in response to whatever has gone wrong. Here are some tips to help you decide whether a furnace repair or replacement is best for your Trussville, AL home.


Different furnace types each have their own average life spans, after which their functioning generally declines. A good rule of thumb is that if something goes wrong with your furnace but you’ve had it for less than its average shelf life, you should repair it. On the other hand, if problems occur beyond or just before that cut-off date, it’s probably wiser to pay for a new furnace. The other advice is if the repair exceeds 50% of the price of a new system, it’s probably a wise decision to replace it.

Typically, furnaces that run on either heating oil or natural gas have shelf lives of approximately 20 to 25 years. Electric furnaces, on the other hand, can function reliably for 25 to 30 years.

Utility Bills

As furnaces age, their efficiency declines. Although it’s possible to stave off this process somewhat by scheduling regular maintenance on the unit once or twice per year, the process itself is inevitable and will eventually take its toll. As a result, your energy use will rise over time even if you keep your home at the same temperature.

Correspondingly, as technology advances, newer furnaces are more efficient than their older counterparts. Thus, the cost of keeping an old furnace may become intolerably high, and the energy savings of getting a new one may justify the installation cost.

Your Budget

Lastly, you need to consider both your current and likely future budget. For example, even though it may make sense to replace your furnace now, you may not have the money to afford anything more than repairs until a later time.

The choice between furnace repair and replacement can be delicate. If you aren’t sure which one to make, call Total Comfort Heating and Air in Trussville, AL, and we’ll help you decide between a heating repair or a new installation.

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