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What Can Make an AC Overheat in Trussville, AL?

Man works on AC unit

When summer arrives in Trussville, AL, you want to be sure that your air conditioner is ready to go. However, there are instances when you may find your system is overheating. Understanding what can make an AC overheat in the first place can help you avoid this unfortunate circumstance, and it informs you what to do to prevent it.

Refrigerant Is Low

The refrigerant in your air conditioner allows the system to eliminate heat from your home. This refrigerant may leak or dissipate over time and with wear and tear. When there isn’t enough coolant in the system, it lowers the pressure levels, and your system eventually will no longer be able to cool effectively.

Coolant or refrigerant is a toxic and controlled substance. If you suspect the coolant level in your air conditioner is low, then it’s best to call in a professional from Total Comfort Heating & Air to assist you. We will check it out with our specialized tools used specifically for measuring the refrigerant and determine if it is low and if there is a leak. If so, we will complete the proper AC maintenance to get the system running efficiently again.

Dirty or Clogged Air Filter

A dirty or clogged air filter can lead to an AC overheating. The air filter needs to allow the air to circulate so the AC operates effectively.

If it’s full of debris or dust, the air cannot get through, and the condenser can’t do its job. You should check your air filter every 60 to 90 days and replace it when it looks dirty. This will also help keep your indoor air healthy to breathe.

The AC Unit Is Old

AC systems have a shelf life of about 15 to 20 years. If yours is overheating, it could be completely worn-out. A qualified technician can take a look and assess its viability to keep running and advise you on next steps. If the system is 15-20 years old it may need to be replaced.

Don’t panic if your AC system in Trussville, AL overheats. Call the friendly team at Total Comfort Heating & Air for AC repair service today.

Image provided by iStock

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