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3 AC Maintenance Schedule Tips

Maintenance Schedule Tips

For many people living in southern states like Alabama, their home’s HVAC system is the main reason that they stay comfortable during the hot summer months. However, HVAC systems need to be maintained and serviced to keep running throughout the summer. Here are some tips to consider when scheduling your home’s yearly AC maintenance in Birmingham, Alabama.

Use A Knowledgeable Company

It is a good idea to establish a professional relationship with a knowledgeable HVAC company so that you are working with someone who knows your system. They will be able to quickly provide service and to keep track of the maintenance tasks your system needs to operate at its best. There are different components in an HVAC system that requires maintenance at different timeframes. Using the same company for AC maintenance services means that they will keep track of your maintenance schedule for you.

Refer to Manufacturer Guidelines

When you first purchased your home’s HVAC system, it came with a manual or product documentation that highlighted recommended maintenance. It is a good idea to use these recommendations as a guideline for its ongoing maintenance since the manufacturer has a lot of data regarding the system’s operation. Many manuals can be easily found online.

Proactively Schedule Annual Maintenance Tasks

In warm climates, you should plan to schedule an AC maintenance appointment at least once a year. For many customers, this tends to be in the spring. In colder climates, scheduling heat pump maintenance appointments twice a year can be a smart move to preserve the life of your HVAC system after intensive use.

It is less expensive in the long run to have your AC system or heat pump properly maintained than it is to replace it. Your home’s HVAC system is an investment in your comfort and happiness that is worth taking care of with regular maintenance. Schedule your next AC maintenance appointment with Total Comfort Heating & Air. We will be happy to help you keep your HVAC system in working order throughout the summer. Visit our website or call (205) 386-2056 to speak with one of our team members.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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