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3 Signs It’s Time for an HVAC Upgrade

irritated man with bills

Your HVAC system isn’t running as it should be, but it’s probably nothing, right? Not quite. There’s no need to worry, is there? There is. Many homeowners in Birmingham, Alabama, put off replacing their HVAC system because they don’t want to spend the money. That procrastination, though, will cost them. If you’re seeing these three signs in your home, upgrading your HVAC system will increase comfort in your home and save you money in the long run.

High Utility Bills

Have you noticed your utility bills slowly climbing over the past few months, despite little change in your heating and cooling habits? While a number of factors contribute to high utility costs, an HVAC system in need of upgrade could be a key cause. As your system ages and wears, it will draw more energy in order to maintain your desired level of comfort. That increased energy draw will increase your utility costs, and that increase will only compound the longer you go without upgrading your unit.

Less Efficiency

Even with regular HVAC maintenance preserving your unit for more than a decade, your system will eventually wear down to a point that it simply can’t operate efficiently. Years of strain on the components of your unit will force it to work harder to maintain comfort, which will only produce more strain. You may see HVAC inefficiency manifest in those higher utility bills and in less comfort despite your system running for the same amount of time.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

Normally, your HVAC system should help you build a healthy home where you don’t have to worry about breathing in polluted air. As your system ages, though, it may become less capable of regulating your indoor air quality. If you’re noticing more dust and dirt around your home, it may be because your system isn’t moving and filtering air as it should be.

Upgrading your HVAC system can be an intimidating task, but doing so will bring you a more comfortable, healthier home. To upgrade your HVAC system, call Total Comfort Heating and Air at (205) 386-2056.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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